Long Term Car Rental

Operational long-term monthly rental service for corporations and individuals from Otobooking, Malatya's First Domestic Corporate Car Rental brand…

Otobooking provides long-term monthly rentals of 12, 24 or 36 months at very attractive prices to both institutions and individuals. You can fill out and send the form to get detailed information or a price quote.

Some of the advantages of operational fleet leasing are as follows;
You meet your vehicle needs without the need for own resources.
You show your monthly rental invoice as an expense.
You do not deal with transactions such as traffic insurance, assurance, inspection.
Periodic maintenance of the vehicle, damage-repair processes are followed by Otobooking.
If you are stranded on the road or in case of an accident, your vehicle will be replaced within 24 hours at the latest.
Our call center at 0544 347 60 44, which you can reach 24/7 in any emergency, is at your service.
Fleet and Monthly Car Rental Offer Form

Rental quotes will come to you immediately as online sales.

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